Date: Tuesday, May 17 (Main Conference Day 1)
Start Time: 2:40 pm
End Time: 3:10 pm
A robot is a system of systems with diverse sensors and embedded processing nodes focused on core capabilities such as motion, navigation, perception, machine vision, communication and control — alongside more unique and application-specific requirements. With the new Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit and the Kria Robotics Stack (KRS), users can easily build a complete robotics system using a ROS 2-based environment with low-latency, deterministic communication connecting production-ready Kria SOM to Kria SOM. In the process, creating an adaptive system that can readily implement evolving and diverse algorithms as well as scale across multiple projects. This presentation will highlight the capabilities and solutions possible with the Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit for roboticists, machine vision developers and industrial solution architects.