Imagine a busy car dealership: customers arrive and wait to talk to sales or service people; vehicles enter and depart; safety checks need to be made; electric vehicles need to be charged. How long has that customer been waiting? Did we check the tires on the car in bay 3? How long has that EV been on charger #5? Managing all of these moving parts in the physical world is a real headache—and a critical one for a successful dealership. SKAIVISION solves this headache using computer vision. Jason Fayling, Co-Founder and CTO, shows us how to use AI-powered cameras to optimize service workflows, improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue at dealerships. He’ll discuss overcoming technical challenges, benefits of real-time monitoring and the future of computer vision in this space. He’ll also share lessons learned from building a start-up in this space, highlighting successes and pain points.