Join 1,400+ product and application developers, business leaders, investors and customers—all focused on perceptual AI at the edge.
In Leadership: Chief Technical Officer, CEO, VP of Product Development, Chief Innovation Officer…
In Engineering: Engineer, Systems Architect, Software Developer, Solutions Architect…
In Marketing: Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Owner, Sales, Business Development…
Many attendees tell us they have met colleagues in their own companies they’ve never met before, finding great ways to collaborate! The one thing they all have in common is that they are working to make great products using computer vision and perceptual AI. The Summit helps them do just that.
You're getting content from people who are experts in the industry and who have a proven track record in computer vision and AI. They not only do it, but they live and breathe it!
We attract top-notch attendees and exhibitors. That gives you the opportunity to meet more game-changing partners and contacts in one place.
At the Summit, tech is EVERYTHING! We are dedicated to making sure we and our exhibitors show the latest and greatest technologies that will help you reach your goals.
Need to justify your attendance to your boss? Let us help lay it out for them in an email. Here's a start!
If you’re an industry analyst or member of the press, the Summit provides unique insights into the business and technology drivers behind computer vision and edge AI.
Need to justify your attendance to your boss? Let us help lay it out for them in an email. Here's a start!
If you’re an industry analyst or member of the press, the Summit provides unique insights into the business and technology drivers behind computer vision and edge AI. To apply for a press pass, please contact
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